About Action for Life


Our Mission

Action For Life is committed to ending abortion through drafting and supporting legislation at the state and federal levels. Action for Life also focuses on bringing awareness to the murder of innocent lives in our country, as well as mobilizing others to take action to protect the preborn. 


“Three thousand babies a day across this country, 66+ million since Roe v. Wade. It’s an abomination and that’s what God thinks as well, and it’s time to stop it.”

- Dennis Sarfate, President, Action for Life


Meet our President

Dennis Sarfate is a retired Major League Baseball player whom God saved while playing overseas in Japan. Dennis and his wife, Jada, have been involved in the battle to end abortion since 2015, because of their love for babies and their desire to protect those still in the womb. After suffering a baseball injury in 2020, Dennis became President of Action for Life. Dennis has devoted his life to ending abortion and fighting relentlessly for the preborn. He lives in Arizona with Jada and their three daughters.


Meet our Vice President

Zach Lautenschlager is a veteran of professional conservative politics, spending over 22 years working for pro-life candidates and conservative organizations. He has served on and run more than 200 campaigns, built and run non-profit organizations which have worked in over 40 states, won major initiatives in Congress, and led teams which have changed the law in 18 states on major public policy initiatives. Zach and his wife Amy live in Northern Utah with their seven children, where they enjoy family music, entertaining guests, and every outdoor activity ranging from skiing and mountaineering to sitting outside on a summer evening. They are members of Berean Presbyterian Church.


“Let us pray that God is giving us the opportunity in our generation to stand up with our Founding Fathers and say the ‘rights to life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness are the core of our nation.’ That’s what it’s about, and we will stand up and make it law.”

— Zach Lautenschlager, Action for Life’s Vice President